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Gilbert Arizona Real Estate Agents
Reference: Gilbert Arizona Real Estate Agents


Jason from Gilbert ...

A job transfer to the Phoenix area meant big changes: relocating our family across the country to a new town, new schools, even a new climate. As we considered where to settle our family, it was instantly clear that Gilbert, Arizona was the perfect spot to call home both for its highly rated school system and its many varied opportunities for recreation and leisure.

Our oldest, a high school Senior with law school aspirations, is a member of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee. It provides a terrific opportunity to learn how government works while serving the community with his peers. Gilbert also provides a number of activities for its residents with special needs which our daughter very much enjoys. Her participation in their social activities including game nights and the Special Olympic Bowling League has been invaluable in her development of self confidence and social skills.

Our entire family enjoys the seasonal community events in Gilbert. We're very much looking forward to the Gilbert Fall Music and Halloween Festival and donning our sweaters and leg warmers for the free Fall Concert in the Park in November. On top of the many beautiful, well maintained community parks our family enjoys in Gilbert, my husband and I each enjoy additional recreation through Gilbert's Men's Basketball and the Adult Volleyball Leagues. There's rarely a dull moment.

Our entire family is thriving in Gilbert, even the family dog. Our town dog park is among the best I've ever seen. It gets two paws up from Sparky! Gilbert is indeed a wonderful place to call home. Submitted to Gilbert Arizona Real Estate Agents