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Reference: Gilbert Real Estate Townhomes


Thomas from Gilbert ...

My experience with living in Gilbert, Arizona has been nothing but positive.

I used to live in the upper Midwest of the states and compared to Gilbert, the weather up there is just desperately cold. Instead of the cold and windy, I get the warm and sunny here in Gilbert. It's so nice being able to go outdoors in the winter time. Not only is the weather here amazing, but the terrain is quite exceptional. I walk out of my back door and see tons of cactus and sandy hills.

I sometimes feel like a western cowboy living here in a vast expanse of a desert. The city in Gilbert is really nice and well kept, the roads are well paved, there are plenty of jobs available, and the people here are exceptionally friendly. Everyone waves to you when driving through town and they shoot a friendly smile your way. I almost feel like I'm living in a warm sunny paradise.

The parks and recreation here is top of the art. There are a good number of places you can go with your family to have fun. A personal favorite that my family loves is going to Gilbert Pool. My kids just love going there to swim and interact with their friends. My wife and I just sit out on the side in our chairs and sun bathe. It's great because the whole family can enjoy it.

I couldn't be happier living in Gilbert, and if you are looking for a new place to settle down, I would definitely advise you to consider living in this sunny paradise. Submitted to Gilbert Real Estate Townhomes